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Chasing The Perfect Wave With Bruce Viaene


Since the beginning of Merrell, our mission has been to encourage people to get outside and enjoy the great outdoors. Whether it be by running, jumping, jogging, or hiking, we believe in encouraging people to go explore this large diverse world.

While our focus has been on enjoying some kind of trail, we recognise that many people enjoy all that nature has to offer, in many different activities. This month, we decided to chat with Waveski Surfing Champion Bruce Viaene, to learn a little more about his outdoor adventure of choice.

1. Can you tell us a bit about yourself and how you got started with waveski surfing?

I grew up on the beach, always surrounded by surfers and divers, so it was inevitable that the ocean would be a huge part of my life.

My sister was a multiple South African Women’s Waveski Surfing Champion, so I had great role models around me when it came to competing. I first jumped on a waveski in the early 2000s and have enjoyed the adventure on and off.

It was only in 2016 that I took it seriously and trained hard, after which I managed to win my first of many, South African Titles. My family is my everything and I now have the opportunity to share with them what I was taught by those who came before me.

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2. Can you share a memorable experience or moment in your waveski surfing journey?

I have had so many over the years, both competitively and socially.

Waveski surfing has taken me all over the world and those experiences will be with me forever, but winning my first International Open in 2023 is definitely up there and I was able to prove to myself that there is more to come.

3. What are some of your favourite waveski surf spots around the world, and why?

I loved surfing in Peru! The culture, waves, and people made me fall in love with this country.

But, my favourite spots to surf are right here at home along our Wild Coast, where it's still untouched. My love for adventure and finding new waves is ignited every time we travel there.

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4. Are there any hidden gems or lesser-known spots you would recommend to waveski surf enthusiasts?

South Africans are so spoiled for choice when it comes to surfing. Our coastline is very consistent and we can find waves with minimal people out.

The best thing that you and a few friends can do, is drive less than an hour up or down our coast and find perfect waves with no one else around. Just get out there and look!

5. How important is physical fitness in waveski surfing, and what kind of training routine do you follow?

It is super important to stay fit and strong. Our seated position means that we have to engage our muscles in a way that is often not ideal to perform radical moves - that is why a strong core, back, and shoulders are vital.

My routine includes running for cardio, gym and HIIT workouts to build strength and durability, yoga every day for flexibility and of course, surfing as much as possible.

Needless to say, the main way to get fit for waveski surfing is to practise waveski surfing as much as possible, but if you want to win world titles, you have to take it that much further.

6. What advice do you have for someone just starting their waveski surfing journey?

I’d suggest trying to connect with a local club and like-minded people. The waveski family is really tight throughout the world and the people are what makes it special. Enjoy the vibes and get out into the water.

7. Do you have any tips for overcoming initial challenges and fears in the water?


Being strapped into a waveski can be daunting, but connecting with a cool group of experienced waveski athletes is key, because they will be eager to help you overcome any fears.

Spending as much time in the water, in a small surf, will help you build the confidence and skills to be able to take your surfing to the next level. And also remember, more people die on the toilet than being bitten by sharks!

8. Are there any waveski surfing goals or dreams you have yet to achieve?

The short-term goal is World Waveski Surfing Titles taking place in a few months. This is all that has been consuming my time at the moment. Being able to compete at my home against 100 of the World’s best, is such an honour and claiming the #1 spot is our goal.

Long term, I would love to see more youngsters in the water and see them gain confidence in themselves and their abilities.

9. Merrell is a brand that greatly encourages people to explore the great outdoors and enjoy outdoor adventures. Can you comment on this/share your thoughts on what this means to you?

Being outside, immersed in nature, is one of the reasons we do what we do. Personally, there is nothing more magical than being at the beach, on some remote wave, with no one around as the sun rises and feeling humbled by this beautiful planet we call home.

Surfing is about chasing swells and the adventure that comes with it, so having my trusty pair of Merrells on standby, is a must when we head out into the unknown.

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10. Lastly, can you comment/share your thoughts on your Merrell Footwear?

I have been fortunate enough to only wear Merrell footwear for the past 10+ years. Merrell is the epitome of adventure, whether it’s on the beach, mountain, or a family trip to the Wild Coast. They are always comfortable to wear and of course, they add some style to any adventure.

After hearing about the wonders of waveski surfing from Bruce, are you ready to take your outdoor adventures to the deep blue sea? Or perhaps you’d like to try your hand at another unique outdoor activity. But whatever it may be, take that first step towards exploring the great outdoors. Don’t be afraid to run wild with Merrell.


Jenni, about 1 year ago

Brilliant interview - love it!