Sustainability Tips to Get Back on Nature’s Side

This Valentine’s Day, show some love to Planet Earth!
At Merrell, it’s all about nature – being in nature, surrounded by it, and working with it. That’s why we ensure that our processes are sustainable, from materials to manufacturing.
We believe that sustainability is not a fixed goal, but a responsibility to continuously pursue a better path. So we’ve put together a few tips for how you can add this outlook to various areas of your life.
Raise chickens for fresh eggs. You can get up to 5 eggs a day from your chicken coop!
Buy from farmers’ markets. Take your own bags and jars to fill, support the locals, and enjoy fresh produce, grains, cheeses, meats and more!
Grow your own fruit and vegetables. Not only will you be saving money, but you’ll also be contributing to the mitigation of food waste, which has a huge impact on our environmental footprint. Get some inspiration and advice on where to start from our blog Gardening for Self-Sufficiency.
Other ways to reduce food waste include: Meal planning before shopping, eating most of your meals at home instead of eating out or getting take-outs, packing leftovers for lunch, and composting.
Opt for 1 family car instead of 2. It isn’t as inconvenient as you may think with proper planning. If this isn’t an option for your circumstances, try to get energy-efficient cars instead.
Try alternatives to cars for your morning commute. These include walking, cycling, public transport and carpooling.
Use LED light bulbs. These pay for themselves in 2 months, last longer and are just as bright!
Use energy-saving window treatments. This will keep your home warm in winter and cool in summer, without the need for heaters or air-conditioning.
Pay attention to your water consumption. We believe everyone has a responsibility to use water thoughtfully, and we strive to reduce the amount of water used in the production of our footwear and apparel. If your dishwasher has a good water consumption rating, you’ll be using less water for a load compared to washing the same amount of dishes by hand.
General goods
Buy fewer products, use them longer. Buy one high-quality item that will last a very long time, rather than buying many things which don’t last and, therefore, need replacing soon. This is one of the reasons that Merrell footwear is made with durability in mind – we pride ourselves on creating products that hold up to extensive wear, which means fewer products in the waste stream over time.
Buy second-hand furniture and upcycle it. Not only can this be a fun DIY project, but it allows you to customise your space to your exact taste.
Donate or resell your old items. Give joy to those who need it more than you. You’d be surprised at how often something is useful for someone else, even if you think there’s no useful life left.
Start recycling. We believe adding to landfills should be a last resort, and through recycling, process efficiency, and innovative design and production methods, we strive to reduce our contribution to landfills. You can do this, too, not just by wearing Merrells, but by asking around about the recycling services offered in your community.
Buy items made from eco-friendly materials. Eco-friendly literally means earth-friendly or not harmful to the environment, and it contributes to sustainability by conserving resources like water and energy and in preventing pollution. Natural materials like wool and cotton are renewable resources that are environmentally-friendly when sourced appropriately. That’s why we have established guidelines for incorporating a variety of sustainably produced natural materials in our products.
As Merrell President, Chris Hufnagel says:
“At Merrell, we believe in the profound power of the trail and we strive to be a dedicated steward of our environment. We exist to inspire everyone to explore the outdoors, and we need a healthy home in order to do just that.”
So if you believe in ‘wear and care’ as much as we do, swap red for green this Valentine’s day – an easy task with Merrell footwear and apparel, with items like our animal-friendly Merrell Trail Glove 5, and much more!